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The Monthly Pulse – Recruiters (Feb. 2022)

The Monthly Pulse
Industry News
How Mentorship Makes a Difference
The Story
Mentorship opportunities can be a useful tool for physician and provider recruiters at any stage of their career. While a mentorship relationship requires no formality and only a minimal time investment, the benefits are far-reaching.
What You Should Know
Participation in a mentorship program can lead to benefits such as the ability to tackle complex problems collaboratively, understanding new viewpoints, receiving peer support, and professional growth. The benefits aren’t exclusive to mentees, either: mentors get the opportunity to help others and make meaningful connections, making it a win-win for everyone involved and a worthwhile, morale-boosting tactic for healthcare organizations to consider.
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Recruitment and Retention in Health Care
The Story
Burnout among physicians isn’t new, but it is a problem healthcare organizations must be equipped to address. Understanding why healthcare workers leave — and what could compel them to stay — can help to address the impacts of high turnover, including the tremendous costs of physician replacements, inferior quality of care, and declining morale.
What You Should Know
According to research, healthcare workers quit for a number of reasons, including scheduling problems, retirement, strained relationships with managers, staffing ratios, and a search for better compensation. On top of these factors, physician fatigue also contributes to medical workforce turnover, and can have serious consequences such as decreased reaction times or concentration loss. To increase employee retention, healthcare organizations can use strategies such as surveys and one-on-one conversations to identify what workers need, develop a strong organizational culture, and refine the onboarding process to promote comfort and confidence.
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Industry Experts Report Concerning Physician Recruitment Trends
The Story
AAPPR findings paint a grim picture of a depleted and decreasing physician workforce, and the organization states more than half of physician respondents are considering or have considered changing employers. While the physician supply remains a challenge, insights gathered by this report aim to help healthcare leaders stay informed and put workforce strategies in place to bolster recruitment efforts.
What You Should Know
While the COVID-19 pandemic is an obvious cause of physician candidate pipeline challenges, other factors such as decreasing funds and limited resources are exacerbating healthcare workforce shortages. Compounded by the possibilities of early retirements, the physician exodus will remain a concern for healthcare organizations for the foreseeable future. Organizations that revise their onboarding and retention strategies will fare best for attracting and retaining their physician workforce.
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Leadership Reflections
These past two years have been brutal. Throughout the pandemic and increased political and social unrest, we’ve had to navigate completely new ways of living, both personally and professionally.
Brené Brown writes in her book, Atlas of the Heart: “Over and over, participants talked about their concern that the only thing that binds us together now is shared fear and disdain, not common humanity, shared trust, respect, or love.” She also writes: “Current neuroscience research shows that the pain and feelings of disconnection are often as real as physical pain.”
I have felt a palpable sense of loss around what Brené describes above. One of my goals for 2022 is to work at rebuilding connections among our team. Some of my strategies include:
  • More frequent individual and group communication
  • Going beyond, “How are you?”
  • Recognizing and celebrating contributions
  • Making time to be more present
Have you considered strategies for rebuilding connection? If so, I’d love to hear them!
Daryl Bert
Daryl Bert
t: 540-421-0696
Upcoming Events
NALTO/NAPR 2022 Annual Convention
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Wed., Feb. 16 to Fri., Feb. 18
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AAPPR 2022 Annual Conference
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Sun., Apr. 24 to Tues., Apr. 26
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2022 AANP National Conference
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Tues., June 21 to Sun., June 26
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