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The Monthly Pulse – Recruiters (Feb. 2023)

The Monthly Pulse
Industry News
Seven Things Healthcare Employers Should Expect in 2023
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As we move further into 2023, healthcare employers should be on the lookout for several major trends. While it’s no surprise that staffing challenges are expected to persist, employers will also likely have to navigate ongoing cybersecurity threats, increased scrutiny from regulators when it comes to telemedicine, increased strikes, and unionization among residents and interns. Additionally, there will be an increased focus on Title IX in medical residency and other educational programs, and a permanent rule on OSHA standards covering COVID-19 for healthcare workers will likely become effective early in the year.
What You Should Know
Clearly, healthcare employers will have many important issues to address throughout the year. Staying up-to-date with regulatory changes and pursuing strike contingency planning can help healthcare leaders stay prepared for what could come. Yet, it may also be possible to address some challenges with a more proactive approach; for example, prioritizing efforts to improve employee satisfaction could help with both labor strikes and staffing challenges.
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Onboarding New Employees in 2023: Getting it Right
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Onboarding is far more important than most employers assume. Not only does it familiarize new staff with key policies and procedures, but it also gives employees a look into your healthcare organization’s core values and environment. In fact, the onboarding experience could make or break an employee’s decision to stay with the organization.
What You Should Know
When done right, onboarding can improve retention, drive employee morale and engagement, and help organizations save on recruitment and hiring costs. Unfortunately, very few employees feel that they’ve had a positive onboarding experience. Employers can enhance onboarding by taking a multi-phase approach, which may encompass steps such as general orientation, role specific training, transitioning to the role, and ongoing development. Additionally, employees say that increasing transparency and communication, fostering a sense of belonging, and encouraging engagement could further improve the process.
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Investing in Talent: Strategies for Building a Healthcare Workforce from PwC
The Story
According to new PwC research, there are four core issues within healthcare right now. The report identifies siloed care, poor coordination, too much waste, and elusive equity as the main problems within the industry. PwC explains that connecting health ecosystems and investing in talent can help to address these issues.
What You Should Know
Unsurprisingly, PwC research confirms that staffing shortages are a major barrier to growth within the healthcare sector. Their talent strategy calls for a three-step approach: enhancing the employee experience with greater flexibility, implementing cross-sectional programs to increase accessibility to critical skills, and reevaluating compensation packages for competitiveness. Pursuing these objectives could help healthcare employers gain a competitive advantage in tumultuous times.
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Leadership Reflections
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance
How long does it take to make a new behavior automatic? Some say it takes a consistent twenty-one days to form a new habit, while others believe it’s closer to three months. No matter the time frame, each habit formation starts with day one. Our potential is one thing, but how we act on it, is another.

Psychiatrist Angela Duckworth shares the secret characteristic of achieving long term goals in her TED talk, Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. Indeed, grit is one of the most desirable traits of a leader. It is something everyone can learn as it does not rely on talent or I.Q., rather, it is determined by effort and consistency toward your goals. A leader with grit seeks inspiration in the face of adversity and has the power to create a culture centered on resilience. How does one become “gritty?” What does it take to grow your grit in leadership? Here are some core principles to consider:
  1. Clarify your goals – Identify clear, simple goals to encourage focus.
  2. Discover your interest - Interest is your source of passion to keep the care-factor involved.
  3. Practice deliberately - Practice repetition with reflection and refinement.
  4. Find your “why?” – Discover your purpose.
  5. Use optimistic self-talk – If you think you can, you will.
  6. Create a gritty culture – Surround yourself with energy you want to identity with.
A leader with grit is contagious and uplifts those around them to stay relentless in their goals. I challenge you to grow your grit in 2023.
Daryl Bert
Daryl Bert
t: 540-421-0696
Upcoming Events
CT Assist will be sponsoring/exhibiting at the 2023 AAPPR Annual Conference: Advancing Connections March 21-March 24, 2023 in Austin, TX. If you're attending please stop by Table #626, we'd love to see you!

AAPPR Roundtable: Partnering with Search Firms
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Tues., Feb. 21
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AAPPR Live Webinar: The Key to Your DEI Strategy - Optimizing the Candidate Experience
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Wed., Feb. 22
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AAPR CPRP Certification Course
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Tues., March 21-Fri., March 22
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2023 AAPPR Annual Conference: Advancing Connections
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Tues., March 21-Fri., March 24
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Physician Recruitment Intensive Training
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